Greater Bedford Womenade

Community Supporting Neighbors In Crisis

Thank You for Your Support

What a success! Thank you to all who attended, sponsored, and donated to GBW's 1st Annual Derby Fundraiser. Your generosity help raise over $20,000.00 that will go directly to helping our neighbors in crisis. Stay tuned for more pictures fromt the event!

 Photo Credit: Alex @ Ali B. Photography

Our Mission

Greater Bedford Womenade strives to provide immediate, short-term financial assistance to members of the local community in crisis*, recognizing they may have no other means of receiving immediate support.

*Crisis: “A sudden change that creates financial, social or emotional upheaval that needs urgent action to enable relief.”

Sponsor of the Month!

MAY 2023

Thank you to the Bedford Village  for your support of GBW! Your generosity allows us to help prevent crisis for our community.